Subject: Bomb Site House

Subject: Bomb Site House
1930s style wallpaper large bedroom
Bomb Site House large bedroom papered with
pale blue and brownish-cream wallpaper to go with the original pale blue
bedroom suite.
Subject: Bomb Site House 1930s style wallpaper small bedroom
Bomb Site House repapered with a multicoloured but pink dominated paper to look good with the strawberry pink bedroom set, which was not original to the house, but home-made and from the same era.
Subject: Bomb Site House 1930s style wallpaper small bedroom
Bomb Site House repapered with a multicoloured but pink dominated paper to look good with the strawberry pink bedroom set, which was not original to the house, but home-made and from the same era.
Subject: Bomb Site House
1930s style wallpaper sitting room/library
The sitting room and library had an original
upholstered divan in subtle greens and oatmeal - colours popular in the 1930s.
I stippled this room’s paper in Autumnal greens and browns, with a bit of blue,
to give a muted but lively effect.
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