Thursday, June 4, 2020

Blog Award Winners

Rob Turner Beach Creative

As the lockdown is relaxed and things have shifted a little for many of us, it feels the right time to let this blog come to a natural conclusion. So we have identified three Blog Award Winners for their contributions and certificates have been sent to:

Veronica Tongue
The Bomb Site House 1940 Interior

This blog follows the progress of the restoration of a Dolls House originally built from debris found on bombsites during the blitz in the 1940's. Build by a fireman and a policeman living in North London for the local Doctors two young daughters.
Veronica takes this back from the 1960's make over, returning things to the 1940's.

'Contributing to the blog made me continue with the restoration'  

Dan Harding
The Virtual Music Project at the University of Kent Music Dept.
 Dan has reflected on the impact of isolation on the creative arts, musicians particularly and has searched for new ways of working together yet individually in isolation. Dan has mastered new sound cloud software to present their work recreating large ensemble works with choral singers, instrumentalists and soloists. The blog explores ways of making and presenting that work, but the spine to the blog is Vivaldi's Gloria made by layering each individual recording into a symphony.

Sylvia Mckean
Sylvia has taken us on a magical mystery tour of events, people and places, all with a very local theme.

 A local historian who has had time to watch, research and reflect going onto then share her local knowledge and personal stories. What is going on outside through her window and in her garden. Knitting and the contents of her book cases, to describe just a few of the entries. 
Sylvia mentions what she has made for her grand children an emotional subject highlighted on the news and ends by celebrating the birth of a new baby boy into her family.

Thank you to all that have contributed something on here, over 2050 page views to date I hope there was something there you enjoyed. This blog may be resting, or replaced with another idea, who knows what is ahead?
But I can say there are plans to create virtual exhibitions with Beach Creative while the galleries remain closed. I hope readers become viewers of these new displays.

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