Rob Turner
Police Range Rover by Lexi Macrath |
This follows on from the very first post on this blog when we set things up on the 23rd March, which is 33 blog posts back, it is a long way back there now. People have contributed such a lot about their projects and very varied they are, so I felt it time to share a little of what I have been up to.
Air Ambulance by Annalyse and Una |
I had been working once a week with residents in Newington
for several weeks before the lockdown, creating the ‘Emergency Vehicles’. The
residents wanted to reflect the complex relationship their community (like communities up and down the country) has with the emergency services, often when they are called it is because of dramatic and difficult personal or community events - amplified by sirens. When the air ambulance landed on the green next to the
community centre Kevin the gardener/maintenance guy said he didn’t need the leaf
blower that day! The last day I was there the police rolled up gently and
quietly in a massive Land Rover and deliberately parked right in front of the
community centre by the green open space and just waited there for about 45
minutes. This was to prevent largely parents parking their cars on the communal
green while they waited for their children to come out of school. The green had
become an unofficial car park every afternoon and the grass was turning into
mud. So, the whole emergency vehicle thing resonated and they worked hard
making police cars, fire engines, helicopters and ambulances. Traffic cones and
hazard tape are prevalent as well.
Fire Engine by Jessie and her Mum |
Fire Service Land Rover by Harrison |
So now it’s my turn completing these mosaics alone in my
workshop during this unusual period of our lives, what will be my contribution
to the project? My role might be
described as to only fill in the spaces between each vehicle and do the
backgrounds. Every time I turn on my computer,
I see Hi Viz black and yellow hazard warnings, every time I turn the television
on I see ambulances blue lights and Haz Mat suits. Imagery which has filtered
into my work subconsciously and consciously. This has turned into a work about
our ‘Emergency services’ and I have had to include the text – Stay Home – Save Lives –
Protect The NHS , how could I not.
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